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I'm working with a teacher who has experienced running out of disk space in studio.  She's wondering if there is a cloud based option for saving content. 

  • 2 Replies

Hello,   I am an instructor trying to create a homepage which has multiple links to other pages. I want this to be visual however with images. However I have a slight problem in that the only way I can get the images to all be at the same level is us...

  • 2 Replies

Hey, I am an instructor and I have several questions regarding the quizzes on Canvas: 1- Is it possible to shuffle questions randomly? 2- Is there any option to create a Canvas warning before the exam ends? stating for example "Do not forget your Scr...

  • 4 Replies

Hi all, I'm new to Canvas and I'm looking for a way to mass-enter (or even just quickly enter) the "missing" label.  I see that you can type "ex" in the grade box for excused but you can do "m" or something for missing?  I feel like that can't be. Th...

  • 9 Replies

Hi all, I assigned a Quiz on Monday that one student did not take. I tried to edit the quiz to allow him to take it by assigning it only to him and by doing so I deleted everyone else's grades. How can I restore the rest of the class grades? I tried ...

  • 1 Replies

We have several "practice" type assignments, many of them deeply integrated activities from an external publisher. We want the grades for these assignments to get pushed back to Canvas, and we want the students to be able to see their grades in Canva...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all. I teach writing at a university in Korea. Canvas is the online platform, but I can't find the DocViewer tool.Does this tool come standard with Canvas? Can I activate this tool?Thanks,rob 

  • 1 Replies

Hi Everyone,  I teach 7th & 8th grade Jr. High Social Studies. We just came back to modified in-school learning. I am continuing to teach remotely from campus. The problem is I have several students who had schedules changed and I unfortunately did n...

  • 1 Replies

Has anyone had issues where google slide assignments are being created multiple times in Canvas (on their own)?  I'm not sure why it is happening, but seems to happen when having students create a copy of a google slide.  

  • 1 Replies

Students completed an  assignment and total marks were set up to be out of 20. However, an error on my part, I need to adjust the scores to be out of  10. Without going into each students grades and changing it,  is there an easier way. Fudge marks f...

  • 1 Replies

I have three classes, all the same, and there is just this problem with one of them:  an assignment which is being graded is not showing up in the gradebook.  I have tried this and that but the problem remains.  All the other assignments show up okay...

  • 1 Replies

I am a teacher and new Canvas user. I assigned my middle school students a slide to edit, modify, and turn in on Google Cloud external tool. My students have gone through the process of connecting their school Google Drive to Canvas/have authorized t...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I am a student who is trying to access an interactive textbook for one of my courses. Whenever I click the link to this content, an error message appears saying, "This page has been disabled for this course." I have tried to access this page th...

  • 1 Replies

Direct Share is a good feature enhancement, but WHY not for announcements? If I want all of my students to be alerted, I need to cut and paste to 6 classes. Grrr...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I accidentally auto-filled my grades.  Now, it seems, I can't revert back.  Is there any way I can fix this?

  • 1 Replies

I assigned peer review for my students today and they were only able to write in the comments and the rubric sections. They were not able to use doc viewer to annotate and write on the actual document. Why is this and how do I fix this?

  • 1 Replies

Apparently, once a New Quiz question is "banked" into an Item Bank, outcomes can no longer be aligned to this specific quiz question. Based on a "work around" for this, I was told to create a temporary quiz, bring the desired question over to the tem...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to download a csv that shows when each student submitted their assignment?

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Canvas Question Forum
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After my students take a quiz using the New quiz that includes a short answer.  It does not show up on the teacher to do list.  Am I missing something or is this feature not part of the new quiz feature

  • 4 Replies

Okay. I think the answer to this is "no," but maybe there's some clever-clogs out there who knows a good way to do this. Say I want to create a fill-in-multiple-blanks question for which there are six answer blanks, and I want people to answer with a...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I need to create a group assignment using a Google Doc I've created. How do I do this? Assignments won't allow you to assign an External Tool to Canvas groups and Canvas Discussions was too slow of a process for my students to collaborate in real tim...

  • 5 Replies

When teachers are syncing items from the Blueprint to their respective courses, can they choose specific assignments (etc.) or does it have to sync the entire thing each time? The problem lies in when they hit the sync button, it reorganizes things a...

  • 1 Replies

My question is about missing assignments.  If a student has submitted an assignment outside of Canvas (through an email, on paper, etc) how can I mark it as complete so that it doesn't appear to be missing when the student views it?  Is there a manua...

  • 1 Replies

My students are submitting the assignment, but it does not show them as submitted on the assignment.

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Canvas Question Forum
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I imported a course from Commons and all the image paths are broken in the course Growing with Canvas.  When I look at the code I'm having a difficult time deciphering the paths because they're referring to data-api-endpoints the actual image name is...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Last May or June, I set up an ongoing online training in Canvas for small groups of volunteers needing to do an orientation before volunteering at my non-profit.  I have one volunteer that does not have a Canvas account and it wants him to have a cou...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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After you have create an assignment / quiz and have graded it - but basically want to delete it from the Grades to do completely delete the whole assignment from the Grades page?

  • 1 Replies

Once I create and publish a quiz in Canvas - I want to make a paper copy of it for my records as well as for some children to use.  How do I print it in a "true printable" format?  Going to PREVIEW and then selecting Control+P does not work.  Copy an...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I need some help. One of the assignment groups consists on quizzes submitted by the students via email at the beginning of class. It is easier if we do it via email instead of Canvas because some students have told us they occasionally experie...

  • 2 Replies

Hi Community, We're working on rolling out the GoogleAssignments LTI with our staff.  The one feature we are looking for is the ability to monitor student work (e.g. writing) in GoogleDocs in real time. I have two noticings: 1. The teacher is not abl...

  • 2 Replies