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Over the weekend we had a couple strange things happen with our automated SIS integration.  For some reason, Canvas thought our SIS instructed it to delete all of our courses for the current term.  Since this happened, it also appears Canvas is no lo...

  • 4 Replies

Using the IOS App when a student selects LAUNCH EXTERNAL TOOL to view the new assignment nothing happens. We have found resolutions to have it work using both Safari and Chrome but the APP does not allow them to view the assignment. Is anyone else ex...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have gizmos accounts and I want the students to be able to stay within the Canvas to complete an assignment.  I embed it on the Canvas page, but it won't let them login - it just keeps going back to the login page.  It runs fine with embedding the...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I submitted an assignment the first time and added a comment. Then I decided to resubmit the assignment and retyped the same comment, not knowing that the first comment would still show up on the right hand side of the page. I have resubmitted for th...

  • 3 Replies

I am using Canvas to host my class and within it I use a variety of external tools.  These tools allow me to assign points or auto assign points. For example, I use MyLab for math and if the assignment has 15 questions, it assigns 15 points. I prefer...

  • 1 Replies

I'm a student and would like to see a feature added to Canvas to make it better.  It would be great if there was a review system that would allow me to suggest a feature.  Even better would be a system similar to Reddit where users could up-vote the ...

  • 1 Replies

I created a rubric within an assignment specific to that assignment.  I then wanted to "re-use" it in another course, but it's not visible when I search for other Rubrics!   Why is that?  I tried "Refresh"ing the browser window, but the rubric I spen...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello all, As by the title, you can guess what my problem is. This problem started early spring semester of this year. I'm not sure what happened that made it bug. The pictures show up perfectly fine on google chrome, just not safari. They even show ...

  • 4 Replies

I am an instructor and I created a canvas site for our theatre production work that is several years old.  I really like the new canvas tools for pages - such as the ability to insert a horiztonal line.  Is there a way that I can upgrade our current ...

  • 1 Replies

1. In the Gradebook, I sorted my students by last name first. One student is still out of order and is listed as the first student even though her first name starts with an E and there are many other last names that would be prior to that. Any though...

  • 2 Replies

Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir comment faire pour rendre des modules disponibles uniquement pour une section. Ce que j'ai remarqué est que quand on crée un module il est accessible à tous les inscrits du cours (toutes sections comprises). Merci.

  • 1 Replies

I teach a course that has the students divided into three lab sections that meet on different days of the week. Enrollment in the sections is managed by our SIS, so I cannot move students from one section to another. During this pandemic, each sectio...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there any way to add a virtual background to the videos that students record directly in Canvas?  I teach French and with hybrid learning, we are recording almost daily.  I would really prefer that the students' privacy be maintained. I don't want...

  • 1 Replies

A few times I've accidentally swiped away from a grading or building screen. This should not be so easy to do. It's especially troublesome when I've posted many comments on a grading rubric. Or when I've put an hour into a page that I inadvertently n...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi. I'm a teacher who use canvas as a platform in my courses and I would like to know if it is possible to see who has read my announcement? Since I use this to send out important information, it would be great if I could see who or at least how many...

  • 2 Replies

Currently, a Canvas calendar event that is due 23:59 will show up as all-day in google calendar (as intended by the developers of Canvas), while the event does not show up on iOS (for me). When looking at the default day/week overview, the event is n...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello.  I have a quiz for which the deadline has passed.  Four students never took the quiz, so there is no attempt next to their names.  One of the four students has an excusable reason for being given the opportunity to take the quiz despite the pa...

  • 2 Replies

Hello everyone, How can i change my full name  display name in UBC online course account. It shows, AV5I3N7LD209.what should, i do

  • 1 Replies

I teach 2nd grade and don't want my students moving to the next module when they finish one. I can't unpublish the 2nd module either so is there another option to deleting the next button? 

  • 5 Replies

Hello, Many of my students live outside my country and they have different time zones. I was wondering whether it is possible for me to check the student's timezone from canvas? From where they are accessing the class lectures should be helpful for m...

  • 5 Replies

I've read enough to know that you can not unpublish an assignment once it has submissions. Am I alone in thinking this is crazy? I have a lot of assignments, and I find that having 100 small assignments including a few get-to-know-you assignments fro...

  • 4 Replies

My grade book shows an F for every student as the final grade. What could be wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • 1 Replies

If a page is already created as a submission, can I change it to a discussion? Or do I have to make a brand new page any time I want to change the type of "page" it is?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way, in SpeedGrader, to mark an assignment missing? It's rather clunky to go back into Gradebook and mark each individual missing assignment as missing. Would be much faster to do it in Speedgrader.

  • 13 Replies

A student took a screen shot of a new quiz question where the answers to a matching question didn't wrap, instead the answers were truncated. This was a matching question appearing to the right of a stimulus, limiting available space.  Chrome was use...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Can students view correct and incorrect quiz answers in speedgrader after they have taken the assessment?  I have set up my quizzes to use respondus and web browser lock down during exams/quizzes, and I restrict results to only show the percentage co...

  • 1 Replies

I want to allow the students to see at least the rationale to the quiz but with the lockdown browser and the camera.  When I click on this button when setting up the lockdown browser it will not allow my students to see the answer rationales.  Howeve...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I want to give a quiz in which each student has a unique question (not a random draw from a pool--one, guaranteed unique question for each student), but I do not want to assign the quiz to individual students only to have a grade book cluttered with ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When I create links on my page so that my students can download handouts the font sometimes changes to blue and other times underlines in blue.  I read online that there was a similar glitch back in 2019 but didn't see anything recent.  Both ways see...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all, I work in academic assessment, and at our institution, we're rolling out a new project that involves setting up Outcomes that we then pull into Rubrics, which we transfer directly into instructors' course sections. (Doing it this way allows u...

  • 1 Replies