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Canvas is connected to our Student Information System and students are automatically added via a feed from this system automatically.  Teachers on a course may not necessarily know that new students have been added. This can present a problem when st...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, Is there any way in Canvas to get an overview on a single page, showing all groups within a course (in different group sets) and students within each group? Preferably downloadable. Thanks,Kristbjörg

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have uploaded two 7.6 GB lab videos however the 17 GB video (2.5 hours) fails.Thanks in advance

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Hello, I have three question banks and I want to make a quiz that will draw questions from any two question banks randomly. That is, I want to select any two banks from the three banks randomly. Is it possible?   Thank you. Khalid

  • 1 Replies

I have three kids in the same district, but I can't see any way to view information for only one child at a time. I can't even see which child any one course is for. Seems like it's missing some pretty basic I just missing somethin...

  • 1 Replies

Canvas marks embedded Nearpods as submitted if students interact or inspect assignments in any way. (They can look at the assignment, not press submit, and it will mark the assignment as submitted and remove it from their Canvas dashboard To Do list....

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We are an Office 365 district and I would like to be able to edit the explanation paragraph on the Collaborations page to remove the references to Google Docs and replace with reference to Office 365.   Its confusing for our staff because they are us...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am a new Canvas user/teacher and struggling to get a sense of which students are missing which assignments. Now that I have 15 assignments in my grade book, I can't see them all on my screen at the same time and all the scrolling back and forth is ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Realistically, how are teachers meant to score these "new quizzes?"The "new" quizzes autoscores forced choice questions and then displays that score to students as if it is an actual score, even if there are unscored free response questions.  This sc...

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Canvas Question Forum
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A teacher shared her class with me, and I wanted to get myself off the class as teacher.  I ended up accidentally deleting her class.  Can I get it retrieve it?  I feel terrible to have accidentally deleted hours of her hard work.  

  • 3 Replies

I must have deleted several quizzes that were graded. Are they recoverable? Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

basically, i have a assignment that its a discussion board but they require a video that you make but when i hit save its not working. it doesn't do anything

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I tried uploading my week's worth of assignment at the same time. I set it so that each assignment was available right when class started. However, students were showing me that the could see assignments on their to-do list even when the assignments ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I would like to be able to have my course announcements be pushed through the Remind app at the same time they are scheduled to release on Canvas. I use Announcements as my daily agenda and I would like for my students to receive a Remind message as ...

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What is the quickest way to fix the 119 broken image links (all for the same image).Course was copied and now missing the icon from the previous course. Is there a quick way to replace all the images at 1 time?

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Canvas Question Forum
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My course has an optional synchronous discussion. I host one of the discussion posts live and those that participate get credit for the graded discussion. It still shows up as "MISSING" on their end, even though I have entered a grade (because they h...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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What I did: I exported a csv file from the Canvas gradebookCopied in some columns of assignments and scores from another programs csv exportSaved the csv file and imported it into CanvasFor each of the new assignments when prompted I selected "new as...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone have a list of possible items or settings for teachers to use that cleans-up the look of the modules page and condenses the viewing of grades to just that of the current at the end of a marking period? Or any ideas for how to help teacher...

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Canvas Question Forum
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It looks like this question has arisen in the past, but it hasn't been solved. I'm looking for some basic symbols to add to student papers in SpeedGrader (e.g. checkmark). This would indeed make grading speedier. I have a lot more papers left to grad...

  • 1 Replies

I have a class of 1000 students and 20 students are taking a quiz on let us say Day 1 while 980 students will take a different test on Day 2  I would like to know how I can enter the word "Excused" for the 980 students in the gradebook column when th...

  • 6 Replies

Hello,I am trying to understand if Canvas can auto submit a quiz (that is in progress) just because the test taker has an unstable internet connection. Say the duration of the quiz is 60 minutes. The submission details of a particular student records...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hey all!I have developed Google Forms I use to enter book counts for my students.  The Google Forms are linked to Google Sheets that collect certain data:  Student Name, number of books, and the quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4), and then it kicks out the data...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I've got a repeated assignment.  Students can see their submissions from the previous week.  Does this have to do with how I copied or duplicated the assignment?  What is the difference in the two?

  • 5 Replies

Message from student: "I didn't remember to turn it in because Canvas doesn't notify you about assignments that use an external tool to submit."  I am using Google LTI. Are students not notified about Google assignments the same way they are for regu...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,If I do not select record the conference before I start it, is there a way to go back once the conference is live and record? Or am I out of luck?Thanks!!!

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to stop Canvas from indicating which quiz questions the student got wrong with the "incorrect" flag? In an all virtual world, the students can share with each other the correct answers because they know what answers are wrong.  This co...

  • 3 Replies

Once users are added to a collaboration (say an Excel file), can we set permissions to individual users such as Allow Edit, view only, etc?

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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I read a recent post about editing HTML files in Canvas. It said I had to download an HTML file from the files folder to my computer, then use my own HTML editor to modify the file, then upload it again to the Files folder. Canvas has its own built-i...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,What I am experiencing seems unbelievably unproductive and inefficient that I can only hope that I am overlooking something, and if not that this is corrected in New Quizzes (my institution is currently using Classic due to the myriad of issues...

  • 2 Replies