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Is it possible to download the list of people in the Groups I have created? I have four groups and I would like to have them as an excel or word table.

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I currently have a course with many assignments linked to Google documents using the soon to be deprecated Google App for creating Google Drive Cloud Assignments. A few questions: 1) Do I need to redo all my assignments with the new Google Assignment...

  • 3 Replies

What is the down side to turning on this feature now  in the admin  - we are new to canvas and so far no students have used it.... Thanks, David

  • 1 Replies

We are designing a global microschool to begin Fall 2021. It will be project-based, competency using attached outcomes for feedback, multi-teacher (5), multi-content (30 ish credit bearing courses), and multi-grade (9-12). We know that we will need t...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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It is very difficult to tell the difference between a capital letter for "i" which is "I" and the lower case letter for "l". They look exactly the same in canvas and answers frequently get graded as wrong. Is there a way to change the font style so a...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have been testing out exporting tests & question pools from Blackboard into Canvas. While most things seem to come over correctly, one thing I haven't been able to figure out is hotspot questions. I imported a test from Blackboard into Canvas using...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Greetings everyone! I'm the LMS admin at a small liberal arts college, and we're currently in the process of moving to Canvas from Blackboard Learn. I have about 15 years of experience as an LMS admin, first with Educator (don't ask), then Moodle, th...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello! Please, help. I'd like to know if Canvas exports the assessments results using the specification QTI - Results Report. I searched the Canvas documentation and the forums and couldn't find any mention of that possibility.

  • 2 Replies

After talking to several teachers in my building about their process for grading work by students with modifications or accommodations, I saw a need for Canvas to help with this process.  Right now, I list student modifications/accommodations on a sp...

  • 1 Replies

I have students working on an assignment that they submitted via document upload, and I provided comments. They then submitted a revised version of their paper (in the same assignment), and now they can no longer see my annotations from the first sub...

  • 2 Replies

How do I advance 1, 5, 10 or 20 seconds while viewing a video?  I know I can speed the video up, I'd please like to know how to jump a few seconds ahead, or behind.

  • 3 Replies

Hi Folks,  We're getting this request quite a bit, obviously this year more than ever here in the UK where we'd normally have exam rooms, invigilators etc.  What we're finding is that staff want to digitise their paper exam papers, but in order to re...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi All, I wonder whether anyone tried to use the Canvas API to iterate through all the courses on Canvas and create CSVs per faculty/per course and export students' mark in a CSV for each course? I can get to the faculty to see the list of courses on...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We use canvas quizzes for exams with question and choice order randomization. We want to export the student data for analysis, but most of the answer choices are embedded latex or images. Thus when we view the student report, the entry in the csv is ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Don't receive confirmation text message when trying to sign up for notifications. I am a student, but I don't get the text message and I have retried sending it multiple times. I also tried using another person's phone number and they didn't get the ...

  • 1 Replies

Has anyone experienced a problem sharing Item Banks with other teachers in New Quizzes?  I seem to be unable to do so.  When I click on +share, and type in a name, I just get the spinning wheel of death.

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have been trying to enroll in the course called Ohio Standards for Educator Preparation which is supposed to be fully independent, but it keeps saying their was an error processing my enrollment. What should I do? No one else in my class has proble...

  • 1 Replies

This is in reference to querying Canvas data with SQL. Where/what field and table contains if a module is published to student view? When one views a course as student, one can see published modules. I need a count of this. The following query gives ...

  • 1 Replies

I am having difficulty uploading and then accessing the OpenStax testbank.  I have tried uploading as QTI (the file is zipped) and it uploads but then is not visible anyway, not in Quizzes or in "available test banks"- I have also tried uploading as ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I have a course with 11 Discussion Groups.  Students post responses to Discussions for that week - i.e., over a 14-week semester, they are posting to (at least) 14 Group Discussions. Each week, I review their posts.  I'd like to account for that revi...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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I am an ID student who is creating a course in Canvas for school. I'm having trouble removing horizontal and vertical scrollbars from Google Forms surveys as well as embedded video. Some of my course pages have this ugly double scrollbar look that ma...

  • 2 Replies

Developing an application that needs to know the logged in user id when linking from the module to the paged served by the LTI external application. Integrated the OIDC flow and redirects the response from successful id_token creation to the link 'my...

  • 1 Replies

I am using Canvas as a way to organize, track, and grade only.  My students do not have email addresses.  Is there any way to bypass this requirement when adding students?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Is this a MathJax rendering error or am I doing something wrong? Why is the extra space so long? When I right click on the expression, the render settings are:   Finally, the TeX expression in the question is: Here more examples of the same issue:...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Today's students struggle to navigate Canvas because, unlike the people writing the content, they are not readers. Immersive reader needs to be integrated in every part of this Learning Application.

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Is there any way to name the downloaded submission files prior to downloading them?  I know I am able to go into the download section of my computer and rename the folder that way, but it would be so much easier to give the user the option to name th...

  • 1 Replies

Hi. I have downloaded a Canvas video (Asignments) from Vimeo but there is no audio. Did I do something incorrectly?

  • 1 Replies

I have a couple of questions I hope to get some clarity on concerning Google and the parent observer accounts. The first question is do parent observer accounts take on the same permissions as the student they are observing? I know we can set the per...

  • 1 Replies

Hi - I'm trying to file my quiz questions into four banks based on the marking period they were originally from. This worked fine in my one section of the course, but in the other section I'm missing about 80 questions for some reason. I can open the...

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Canvas Question Forum
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