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Students in my class are supposed to take an uploaded word doc quiz. Can I track when they preview/download the word doc quiz?

  • 2 Replies

I am working with a professor at our institution who is running into a limitation with the Matlab Grader LTI integration. The Matlab Grader LTI only supports anonymous integration. Though, this is a nice idea in principle, it presents a significant p...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Someone on our faculty forum mentioned that her students weren't seeing her announcements, and that she could tell because there was no date on "Posted On."  I just checked my announcements, and not only is there no date, each on has a "U" on the lef...

  • 3 Replies

I was happy to see that institution now have the ability to prevent instructors from intentionally changing term dates. However, institutions should also be able to prevent the overriding of SIS term dates when instructors make a copy of a course usi...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I will appreciate if you can provide suggestions to this problem. I uploaded a Word document on a Canvas page, but for some reason, students cannot see it or download it. I tried it myself from "Student View", and I cannot view it or download ...

  • 2 Replies

Hello Canvas Community, Is there a way to use Reports to obtain teacher enrollment per course for a specific term? Thank you, ellen bloomfield

  • 1 Replies

Have created 5 new quizzing using the NEW quiz type. Everyone of them is showing 0's for the results in the gradebook. When I look at the moderate section it shows the correct scores. Anyone encountered this and found a fix. Have looked through histo...

  • 1 Replies

I had a staff member relay to me that a few students who were dropped in their IC class were still showing up in their Canvas course.  The teacher deleted them from the Canvas course, but during the class sync, the students were added back into Canva...

  • 1 Replies

Can I view participation (basic access) in an all-class, gradebook format? It's tedious to view each student's individual access report, and the Students tab under Settings > Statistics only shows who logged in to their Canvas account, not whether th...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to mass assign the "Missing" or "Excused" grade labels? It's easy to mass assign the points using the default grade, but I want the missing assignments actually marked missing so students know they haven't submitted anything.

  • 1 Replies

I am working on a project involving the unzipping of many .imscc files. The files I've opened so far, I've used 7Zip, which can unzip them, but always reports "corrupt headers." Makes me wonder if some of the data is missing- the courses, when loaded...

  • 2 Replies

My assignments due times are always 11:59 pm. Students often submit their assignments while the clock reads "11:59 pm", but technically 11:59 pm ends at the stroke / beginning of 11:59 pm. Hence, the assignment is marked 11:59 pm, but also LATE. If I...

  • 1 Replies

What do I do if submitting a PowerPoint file keeps on failing, even after trying to compress it?

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I have restricted folder + file access by using the option "Only available to students with link". So the whole folder including files are hidden for the student.   I have added one of the restricted files in my content, the student can open thi...

  • 3 Replies

Hi Is it possible to change the participation setting within Course Settings from Term to Course via either the API or SIS import? I've looked through the documentation but been unable to find anything. Also, I've tried uploading a sis import to upda...

  • 1 Replies

The information in this canvas guide does not work for me: Specifically, when I try to log in, the browser always returns ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, everyone,I created an ice-breaker group assignment for all the students. Most of the students can access the assignment except the students I added after the first day of the class.I can add new students to the collaborative list of the ice-break...

  • 1 Replies

I've noticed a problem with the Canva API integration with Google Drive: I can't access the Shared Drives that are created in Google Workspace. I've contacted Google Support and they have answered me that their API supports this kind of integration (...

  • 3 Replies

Suppose a course uses weighted grading categories, and a particular category contains a certain number of points--say 50 points--and is worth a certain percentage of the final course grade--say 20%. If extra credit points are added to an assignment w...

  • 1 Replies

So my African American history teacher posted this thing in undated assignments.  It says no due date, when I click on it it says no content meaning I can't do anything. On top of that, it says available til tonight 4/22 11:59 pm- plus there's no sub...

  • 2 Replies

I have a discussion board that students are posting to but I can't see their responses. I get the notification that they have posted, but when I click on the link to go to the discussion board, the board is blank. Two students have posted and I can't...

  • 1 Replies

Added already enrolled students into sections. Now some of them are showing the status of pending on the people page even though they have already completed work in the first module.  What is going on?

  • 1 Replies

I am looking to make my home page look like this, but without the double navigation columns. Help please

  • 7 Replies

I have a page with a SCORM-driven interaction included in the last section. I imported the SCORM content as a page and can use an iFrame to place it on the page, but student view will autofocus to the SCORM content when loading. Can this be adjusted ...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I would like to propose the following feature, but I wasn't sure how to go about it:    New Math Quiz Feature - Sketch a Graph We would like to be able to embed graph paper into a quiz where students can draw a sketch of the graph using their stylus....

  • 1 Replies

The system reports grades based on the average, highest or last attempt. I need the grades from the first attempt. Why this obvious choice is not on the list is a mystery to me. Students want to do the assignments again just before test time, so I al...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

In one specific course, where I've recently uploaded a lot of content, I suddenly can not upload any new files.  Is it possible that I've maxed out my storage capacity for this course?  I was able to upload documents to it a couple of weeks ago, and ...

  • 2 Replies

Has there been a change in the way that Canvas syncs the "Missing" flag with Infinite Campus? Several teachers are reporting the fact that suddenly their Infinite Campus gradebook has items that both (a) have a grade and (b) are marked as "missing." ...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

Hi, I have weekly quizzes set up to be 30% of the total grade. The students have taken most, but not all of the quizzes, but when I look in the grade book, all of their grades for the "weekly quizzes" are in the 150 to 160% range? I have looked throu...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I am not able to edit/create terms in my canvas account, buttons are there but it doesn't seem to be working, can anyone look into it?  

  • 1 Replies