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Hello everyone! We are in the process of migrating our custom LTI tools to another server, and I'm having some trouble getting a tool to launch from the new server.  We are using Tomcat for deployment, having upgraded to Tomcat 9 (from 7) as part of ...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to edit the subject line of emails sent when someone is added to a Course? The subject line currently says Course Invitation and Course Enrollment but does not specify the course title.  We are considering using Canvas for webinars we ...

  • 1 Replies

I used the quiz feature to give my students an exam. The first half of the exam was objective (T/F, fill in the blank, etc). The second half was file uploads. They uploaded pdf files. I went to Speed Grader and  then marked  their responses on an iPa...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My assignment: Assignment is Optional; Submit X pictures of your progress Canvas gradebook: Some students submit, some don't. Canvas classifies uploads as something that "needs manual grading" What I want to do: Mark all submissions as 1 point (witho...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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The quiz shows the answer to the blank that I didn't make. When I edit the problem, this blank answer temporarily disappears and then comes back when I save it.   It doesn't seem to affect students' scores, but I want to get an accurate answer to thi...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a limit to the number of courses you can have with a free faculty account? Is there a time limit to the free account?

  • 1 Replies

Hello Canvas I recently have begun to use my tablet to listen to zoom meetings I notice that there is no button to increase the speed of the lectures I usually listen to lectures at 1.75x - 2.0x speed but it is not possible with the canvas app Can yo...

  • 1 Replies

When I assign an EdPuzzle, I use 100 for the points like all of my other assignments.  Then I select Incomplete/Complete.  However, If they don't make a 100 on the EdPuzzle, they are marked "incomplete." Can I change this to mark "complete" regardles...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello! I tried to duplicate a New Quiz, but it has been two hours and it just keeps on loading. Here is a screenshot:   I hope someone can help me. Thank you!  

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Canvas Question Forum
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We run a number of self-paced courses whereby students are manually concluded at different times. The course teacher would like to review the data collected in the course evaluation survey, but because all of the students who have completed it are no...

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Canvas Question Forum
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How i change my use name not my profile name

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have tried logging into Canvas on my Mac and iPad but the page fails to load correctly. The left side bar is missing buttons and the place for courses just flashes. How can I fix this? I am able to load the page fine on a PC.

  • 2 Replies

What I want: 1) I want students to be in a group and present a project.  2) I want students to grade the project/presentation of all other groups/people, using a rubric. 3)  I want each group to grade their group-mates, using a rubric. Questions: 1) ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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If I have created a rubric and would like to share it with another faculty member, can I do that? If so, how do I go about it without a share button?

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to connect evolve using the Sanders a book to canvas 

  • 1 Replies

I have not increased notification settings but  I’m getting not double but triple notifications for  emails sent to me  in canvas.....Three? I’m baffled....I have one instructor acct.  

  • 1 Replies

Hi,it seems the view of assignments at a glance includes points, due date...but NOT what assignment group it is in. Unless I go to EDIT ASSIGNMENT is when I would see what assignment group it is in? could it be possible to include this info on assign...

  • 1 Replies

open for conversation : While trying to figure what assignments have been graded, waiting to be graded, and/or no grade ?  What are these little message looking icons ?   also while in a group assignment how do we collaborate with our peers .. The li...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, How can parents access their children's roll call attendance. When they click on the Roll Call assignment, it gives them this error  You do not have permission to launch this tool.

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm wondering why we are unable to edit peer reviews. I recently had to submit a peer review on a discussion board, wrote part of the review, needed to go out of it to look at the question that were being answered and then was going to finish the rev...

  • 3 Replies

Is there a way to go back and edit your Google Assignment once you have already loaded it to the external tool option?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Question:In my writing courses, students may request a 24-hour extension and those who request by 5:00 p.m. of the original due date receive a different due date (the next day, same 11:59 p.m. deadline). I used to then delete this block of "extension...

  • 3 Replies

I created a quiz and students were asked to answer one of 4 writing prompts. I gave them one attempt and checked their formatting when they submitted it. If the student did not follow the correct format, I gave them another attempt to go back and ret...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have 36 students who graduated last semester, so I now communicate with them exclusively through mass messages to their personal emails (graduation ceremony, cap-and-gown info, etc.). They are still in Canvas but have no reason to log in to check t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm a middle school special education teacher who handles helping the general education teachers with setting up online accommodations for their students. One of our most frequent accommodations is having extended time on assignments, up to one week ...

  • 1 Replies

I am an Admin on our School's account. I can go in to check on each student by using the "act as user" step.   When I do that I discover that the student's may change the dedicated school email to their account away from the "school" designated email...

  • 1 Replies

When assigning a Google Sheets activity for students, the Canvas screenshot for the speed grader does not take consistent images.  In fact, sometimes the data listed in the cells is not viewable to the instructor.  Is there a workaround to ensure the...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone know if there is a way to set up assignments or quizzes to run in series so that a student has to complete one and hit a predetermined score to move on to the next? Ideally, I'd LOVE to have one link on my homepage direct students to wher...

  • 7 Replies

I have a student who when entering the quiz it shows up blank and out IT helpdesk doesn't have an answer.  I (as admin) can see all the questions in student view, other students have taken the quiz in the course, and I have allowed multiple attempts ...

  • 1 Replies

Our face-to-face conference has gone virtual and we'd like to host the learning conference on Canvas as our "conference portal". Has anyone done this on Canvas? Any recommendations on how to structure it? We'd like to host all of the recorded Zoom se...

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