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I have "Complete All Items in the Module" set as a requirement for my modules, but it does not appear that Canvas is honoring that setting. When I'm in student view, only the first page in the module is receiving a check mark indicating it has been v...

  • 3 Replies

I am attempting to create a flyout menu in our Global Navigation to share a group of courses in our instance based on: @robotcars post here: I would love a way...

  • 2 Replies

How do I delete a test student submission?

  • 2 Replies

While a BBB conference is in progress and students are in it, another student will try to join but the conference is listed as concluded.  Teacher and other students are still actively participating in the conference, but other students cannot join. ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I accidentally concluded a course in my free teacher account without realizing I could no longer access any of the data. I there a way to un-conclude a course in the free teacher account?

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Can someone help me make life easier for my students?  Right now there are three different options for the to submit through Google Drive.  Correct me if I'm wrong here, but Google LTI 1.3 is the preferred way, right?  If so, I'd like to get rid of t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We are already a SubAccount within a larger account. Additionally, I have Program Directors who manage their courses. The issue is this: Some Programs have two cohorts running simultaneously (a junior and senior cohort) each has students enrolled in ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We are not receiving the Title and Description claims from Canvas in the External Tool.  These fields are filled in in the Developer Key but when printing these out on the External Tool side I see this: [

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Canvas Question Forum
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Please revisit these very helpful suggestions: 1.  When creating  assignments allow a toggle for "mark assignment missing after due date" and one for "employ late penalty for this assignment" 2.  In speedgrader, allow for a toggle to turn off the mis...

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Canvas Question Forum
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There is a problem with my old account, Idk but i could not login with my mail which already registered. The system has just gave me a different new account. I want to completely delete old posts in my old account. Can you help me please?

  • 6 Replies

Hi. I am using a self-hosted iteration of Canvas. A colleague has setup the server and has asked me to manage the LMS.  I would like to use New Analytics. I have reviewed the community page and am still having issues.  I have admin level access and t...

  • 1 Replies

Can Canvas Activity Log records Handoff feature? For example if a student taking a quiz on the IOS app but copy and paste the question to Window browser, will Canvas know?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Help!  I'm trying to change an assignment to allow file uploads as well as text entry but it won't 'keep' my settings. This assignment was originally set up to allow a text box entry but I'd like it to be both a text box entry and file upload.  I've ...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I have a parent observer account and I’ve tried to turn off all the email notifications for course activities except for grading but I’m still getting a daily email. At the bottom of the email it says I’m signed up for a daily digest. I try again...

  • 1 Replies

Are any elementary teachers out there using Canvas as their LMS? Do you have any suggestions for getting started? We have some teachers who are reluctant with tech and Canvas feels pretty complicated. Any tips would be much appreciated!

  • 2 Replies

In the list view of the Dashboard, there is a small section where I can see the grades of my courses. However, I have grades from the Fall Semester separate from the grades in my Spring Semester. They're all mixed together, so it takes some time to f...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We are using Canvas for all course grading but not all course administration, and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this.  Basically we want enrollment and grading to be done through Canvas, but do not necessarily want to publish the course...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,  I am trying to get assignment submissions for a student whose enrollment from course is deleted, I am using the Get All Submissions API I walked through different apis, but couldn't dins a way to get these...   Any help appreciated Thanks!

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Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way to grade a quiz by section? For instance, if I am pulling questions from different question groups (question group 1, question group 2 etc., can Canvas generate a score for each of those question groups? For instance, calculate the sco...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, We are giving content a school district with one of the new generated Keys/Secrets.  They are using their own LMS, so we are giving a IMSCC.  Is there a way to monitor how many users come into the course via our LTI tool, or any other tool, or ar...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I have 3 quizzes up and two are already done and completed but now those two that have been completed and pasted are no longer viewable in the student view but I have them published on my side?

  • 1 Replies

When I switch to High Contrast, my the component with a button primary in my local changes take my Default Primary Colour in Themes instead of the Contrast Colour specified in the Canvas docs.   What I want ideally is for any component I assign with ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi I'm still fairly new to Canvas and I am hoping I don't make a fool of myself with this question. If moderated grading is used with two graders, one grader acting as a first marker and the other grader acting as a second marker, both graders can ad...

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Canvas Question Forum
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The College where I work uses turnitin (as an external tool) as part of the submission process for student assignments. In the past, when a teacher has needed to add a marking rubric to an assignment, the teacher has temporarily changed the 'submissi...

  • 5 Replies

I'm a (new) Student and see that my Grades page simply lists all the activities and associated grade.It would be very beneficial to be able to group grades, for example by Module.Currently it can Arrange (order) by DateModuleAssignment GroupTitle But...

  • 2 Replies

Hi All,    As you know the Canvas clusters all clone top level data down to the test and beta environments on a regular bases. This can be helpful for Support departments to reproduce issues and as a UAT environment before releasing. It does however ...

  • 7 Replies

Is there a way to download rubric data into an excel spreadsheet?

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to change the font size using the Latex Canvas equation editor?

  • 2 Replies

I am interested in letting my students take a timed multiple choice quiz using a question bank to randomly populate the quizzes for each student. Then, I would like my students to be able to see which questions they got wrong without giving them the ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We just moved our Blackbaud data to our Beta site using OneRoster.  The integration went well and it appears all of the data is there just not the way we expected it.  In Blackbaud we are set up as a semester school.   A year long course is 2 semeste...

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