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We were recently informed that Canvas is removing the older, course associated, question banks in the near future and replacing them with new instructor associated item banks. I really like this as it allows me to access questions across my courses, ...

  • 4 Replies

Hi all, I just finished an exam today. It is a quiz(Two parts, multiply choice and short text question) . I finished answering at 3 pm. All answer has been auto saved at 14:56. Then i rewrite a short question. When I finish the question and ready to ...

  • 1 Replies

How to release certain modules to specified users, not based on the pre-requisites? I need to open certain additional modules to a group of students, but hide these files from the rest of the students,  I've recently moved from Blackboard, and they h...

  • 2 Replies

Hello,  I'm trying to find a way to enable notifications (assignment submissions)  as part of account level -, so it will be pushed to all the courses. We have many adjunct faculty, who teaches multiple courses, and most of the time, they  do not tur...

  • 3 Replies

When I hover over a navigation icon such as account, dashboard, etc. for example, I see a screen tip that states the name of the link such as account for the account link or dashboard for the dashboard link. I can see this when I hover over any navig...

  • 2 Replies

I know the question of self-assessment on a Canvas Page has been posted before...but I am hoping for some code options. I am looking for coding options for embedding questions on a Canvas Page (not through Canvas Quizzes). For example, if I want stud...

  • 3 Replies

I've seen a few people have posted this, but can someone please direct me or explain how to set up an email alert for when a student has completed a quiz?  I've tried several things with the notifications settings, but nothing has worked.    Thank yo...

  • 4 Replies

Hey Ad-miners, My understanding of alt text is that if the image is selected as "decorative", then screen readers don't "see" it. Just random checking a page in Student View, and lo and behold, Microsoft Immersive Reader is reading the alt text of a ...

  • 1 Replies

If I have a course where there is continual enrollment and I have groups set up for a discussion is it possible for students who are just coming into class to be automatically enrolled in a group?

  • 1 Replies

I have the LTI tool configured on our site and it works in some contexts, but not others. Instructors adding documents to Canvas courses using Box works. Adding links to documents in the RCE works, etc. Where the problem comes in is if an ins...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Hi,  I looked for an existing community thread on this but did not find one.  We are in the early days of research Canvas our default LMS and wanted to know if its possible to deploy / configure Canvas as a headless LMS? We have a use case where we a...

  • 3 Replies

Hi All,     We are trying to replace our root "Account Admin" users with lower privileged accounts. We have an API that uses the "delete /courses/{courseId}?" API. When it is called with full "Account Admin" it returns 204 and removes the user. But w...

  • 4 Replies

I'm currently trying to download files using the canvas API and I'm having an issue with the file's url. In every explanation that I can find the url follows this structure: "http://<canvas>/files/<id>/download?download_frd=1&verifier=[verifier]"  Bu...

  • 1 Replies

Hello,  I am an instructor with a question about batch editing possibilities for modules. I would like to be able to batch rename all the pages inside the module without having to drill down one by one and edit each title. Is that possible? Thanks!

  • 15 Replies

I am using the Update a Course API to attempt to update a course_code (the course's shortname). Postman, it builds this request (I am using PUT as specified):https://...

  • 4 Replies

In the document What are the Canvas accessibility standards?, the Keyboard Shortcuts information is duplicated. Could the extra text be deleted for better readability? Page:

  • 1 Replies

The teachers no longer have the button in Settings to delete a course.  When I check the teacher role settings this is what I see and you cannot change it.  The icon is half green and cannot be changed. See pic.  Any ideas?

  • 2 Replies

The "Delete this course" button is now missing from course settings and attempting to delete a course via the API results in a 401 "unauthorized" error. The button in settings has been available for years and the API endpoint to delete courses has w...

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible to view outcomes linked to questions in new quizzes in the learning mastery gradebook?

  • 1 Replies

Is there anyway to get the Pretty HTML Editor to stop encoding Swedish characters like åäö into old-school &auml; etc? It's really annoying when editing the html directly. The character set utf-8 supports these from what I know. It's been so long sin...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hi Community, There are activity and resource changes that need to be made to a blueprint course, and that blueprint then associated with the active course.  I'm fine with this. Because this is an active course (in other words there are students on t...

  • 2 Replies

I’m having issues trying to change the colors of my courses in terms of transferring them accurately on my google calendar. For example, I have three classes; one that I put green, one orange and the other is purple on Canvas Calendae. But when I cop...

  • 1 Replies

I posted a fix for the admin courses page (, which works in my beta environment, but does not in the production environment. Has anyone else ...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

Throughout Canvas' UI, the default style for links is blue text with no underline except on hover. But when I create a link in a page in a course, the underline is always on by default. If I apply the "text-decoration: none;" style, then there is nev...

  • 2 Replies

file upload restrictions. when I add file upload restrictions, I am guessing the student can only upload the MS word extensions i added or others. So, this will prevent the student from using an other file upload types Correct?

  • 5 Replies

This is not a question - rather it is a post to point people to the post that is in idea conversations: Allow Folders in Pages ( ) A chrome extension has been w...

  • 2 Replies

We are currently using the conclude option when we remove courses from our catalog now, and I am attempting to make a 'create_or_update' pattern so if we ever try to re-add a course to a catalog again, and transmit, we can change the course back from...

  • 4 Replies

    Hello! I note that Canvas system messages have insufficient color contrast for accessibility (by system messages, I mean the type that appear as alerts at the top of the screen in blue boxes, for example on group discussion boards).Specifically, ...

  • 5 Replies

I require students to address a "discussion question" every other week for a grade. I set it up as an assignment, and the students then submit their text-entry answers through the assignment submission portal. Ideally, I would start a discussion thre...

  • 2 Replies

I'm not sure I'm asking this question in the right place ,but I'm a bit surprised by how very limited the CSS allowlist is (I'm working from this document). In particular, I'm unable to use any modern layout engines (flex, grid, or multicol). I can't...

  • 3 Replies