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I created a instructor dashboard as a practice before I use it for a class. I want to share this with sone one who is a user of Canvas so he can provide me some feedback.

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Hello How can a Tutor,me, become an observer to a student? I have looked, but could not find the answer.I want to see their assignments, grades for each class. Thank you Helen Rehwalt, Edmonds School District, Edmonds, WA

  • 1 Replies

I have 3 students all taking the same course but in different sections. How can I place these 3 students in a group in Canvas so that they may work together on a project for the class? 

  • 1 Replies

Hi, is there a way to make the class roster hidden so that the students CANNOT see who else is in the course?  I have an Academic Probation Canvas page, but it is not an actual course, so I do not want the other students in the class to see who else ...

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There are several posts on this, but no one ever seems to answer, and the posts are from about 5 years ago. Are xAPI files supported on canvas? If they are how would I go about importing an xAPI file? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm a teacher. Are we able to see what students have a parent observer linked to them, or a list of parent observer names?

  • 1 Replies

As a world language teacher, I need students to be able to type sentences and SEE their entire sentence at one time. The Fill in the Blank question blank is too short. It should expand with the size of the student's answer, so that the student can se...

  • 3 Replies

This is a new problem we have been experiencing in the last 6 months.  Students will send messages to instructors from classes which already concluded.  Usually, asking about their grades.  When an instructor goes to reply, they find they are unable ...

  • 2 Replies

Good morning. We create official course shells for our courses via API. These shells have their Participation setting set to "Course" by default. We are running into an issue where our instructors are copying course content from an another shell whos...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I've read about the latest updates with BigBlueButton and Sections and Calendars but can't quite do what I need to. I want to create a new conference in my course, just for a section of students, and then be able to put the event in the calendars of ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Suppose I have  many sets of questions and answer choices for multiple choice questions or matching questions that are all in text format. For instance q1. what is blah?a. blah is meh, b. blah is blah, c. blah is wut. d. blah is kek. q2. match the fo...

  • 6 Replies

I taught a class in Canvas a few years ago, exported everything I could, now I'm teaching a similar online class at a different institution and I want to import my quiz files. But my quiz files are all .xml files and I can't figure out how to import ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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when I acces Canvas Iam notified that my browser is not compatible con Canvas

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When entering timetables into Canvas Calenders previously, Canvas would offer a drop down optin of previously entered data - ie. Event name, location etc., meaning I didn't have to retype the Room Number or Course code and description, I could just s...

  • 1 Replies

How to create a folder for students to submit their lab assignment?

  • 1 Replies

I have updated my browswer and I am still getting the error message about my browswer not being usable when I am using the newest version of Chrome.  Help

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I am currently taking microbiology. There is a group assignment and when I click on groups nothing is happening. Help!Sharontte.

  • 2 Replies

Are other places seeing issues with the discussion board sidebar replies going back out to the main board rather than under the post they were replying to?We are seeing students replying to a post but is goes back out to the main discussion board rat...

  • 7 Replies

I want to change the end date for my course so it will appropriately plan out my assignments in accordance with the schedule I want. How do I change the end date for my courses as a student?

  • 2 Replies

This is a first. I have my chapter quizzes set up for the entire semester, set to unlock on specific dates. My first class hasn't even met yet for the semester, and I just published the course.A student has managed to take the first quiz, even though...

  • 1 Replies

Hello.I have been using the Discussion Count Spreadsheet by James for quite some time and it's fabulous. However, all of the sudden the count stopped including the professor/teacher. How can I get the program to incorporate the teacher's discussion c...

  • 9 Replies

Has anyone tried to create a button or function that would aggregate all the assignments an instructor needs to grade across multiple courses?  

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone else feels Canvas working different

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Hello there!I am not really tech savvy and I just wanted to ask how to add a picture or avatar in my profile?Thanks a lot

  • 2 Replies

When I submit an Assignment, a copy of my document is archived in my

  • 3 Replies

I am unable to upload my chosen profile picture to canvas. despite it being 817kb and appropriate. I keep getting the “file exceeds quota”  unsure what to do. Even when I try on desktop I get stuck in an infinite loading loop 

  • 1 Replies

Good dayI was assigned the incorrect subject (Design) as one of my subjects that I do not take instead of business studies, which is one of my subjects that does not appear on my calendar. Please let me know what you can do and how long it will take ...

  • 1 Replies

I am a student having problems with canvas. A banner keeps popping up on my canvas and it says," your browser does not meet the minimum requirments for canvas. Please visit the canvas community for a complete list of supported bowsers." I have alread...

  • 2 Replies

my classes haven't been posted up and i was told that school opens today but i haven't received ant tasks 

  • 2 Replies