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I'm new to our Canvas role and I'm looking for my CSM so that I can see what needs to be done for our campus to get 'new quizzes'. If anyone knows where I can go to speak with a CSM I'd appreciate it, thank you.

  • 2 Replies

How do I move students from one section to another.  The 3 vertical dots are missing when I look at People.  They are still there for the observers, but not the students. 

  • 1 Replies

I have a class on my cavas from last quarter, I am no longer in that class but am taking it a second time with a different instructor so it shows two of the same classes. I cant figure out how to remove the old class so that I no longer have to see i...

  • 1 Replies

I dont know why but I cant find my grades no mader what I do

  • 1 Replies

Attendance shows up to page that does not let me take attendance

  • 1 Replies

Hey everyone,  When getting data from Canvas, I tried pulling data from Canvas.Quizzes, and that seemed to have only pulled in rows for classic Quizzes on Canvas. Using the relationship visualizer, I can't seem to find a way to pull in data for New Q...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way to customize the calculations for Standards Based Grading?  I am using rubrics and standards based grading but I give 2 small "check your understandings", a mid unit assessment and and end of unit assessment.  I want the mid unit and e...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I need to know who deleted students from a course, since no student other than the teacher and the Canvas administrator have the necessary access, this is the third time this has happened.   Thank you very much for your answers, Juan Carlos

  • 4 Replies

I was trying to change my preferred name and I searched in the knowledge base. But I found my page different. What should I do next?

  • 1 Replies

where do i find my financial aid information

  • 1 Replies

I cannot get my Apple pencil to work on my IPAD PRO for grading essays. What am I doing wrong? When I try, the entire screen moves and makes it impossible to write. Any ideas?

  • 1 Replies

I like how I'm able to respond to Canvas messages directly through the email, but I'm a little frustrated that if it's a group message, I can seemingly only respond to the original sender. In my canvas inbox, the original sender sent her message to m...

  • 2 Replies

I have read the article about disabling the course chat in Canvas LMS.  I teach in a k-6 school and would like to disable the course chat for my courses.  How do I disable the course chat feature? 

  • 4 Replies

Hello: I am trying something new with one of my advanced undergraduate courses.  I took the online exam I have given in class and tried to have it open across 2 class periods, Monday (today) and Wednesday.  I assumed when students logged out that Can...

  • 2 Replies

Hello Canvas Community,I use random questions from test banks.  Two different students, in two different quizzes, have received this error message:"This question was imported from an external source. It was a 'Error' question, which is not supported ...

  • 1 Replies

I have an assignment that students need to turn in. All of my students in this class have the reassign button show up in the speedgrader. BUT, I have one student in that class that the button does not show in the speedgrader. Anyone know what is goin...

  • 4 Replies

I was not able to find an answer to this specific question, so not sure if it has been resolved. When a student opens a Google Assignment (LTI), the teacher can see what the student has done, but cannot grade it until it has been submitted. When the ...

  • 5 Replies

HI! Is there a way to approve student posts to Canvas Discussion boards? Without the ability to approve or disprove Canvas discussion posts, students can easily:1.   harass and cyber-bully other students2.  post pornographic images or content Please ...

  • 1 Replies

When migrating a Classic Quiz that contains a Question Group linked to a Question Bank, my Question Bank isn't importing to a Item Bank. It appears as if the importing process is getting "stuck". The image attached is what I see under the list of all...

  • 2 Replies

I have a student who has one parent that has connected with my student's account, but the other parent also wants to get updates and such. How do I add a second parent to a student account to recieve notifications.?

  • 1 Replies

I posted an assignment where student s needed to annotate a pdf. out of a class of ~15, 3 submitted the document on the 1st attempt but only 1 had the information he typed in follow the document to me. The other 2 online submissions were blank. I onl...

  • 1 Replies

Why does my table not keep the same format once my page is published?Pictures are set up and then once page is published.

  • 4 Replies

How can I remove Harmonize milestones from my Canvas Instructor Calendar?

  • 1 Replies

Hola, Necesito saber quien borró estudiantes de un curso, ya que ningun estudiante mas que el profesor y el administrador de Canvas tienen los accesos necesarios, es la tercera vez que sucede esto.   Muchas gracias por sus respuestas   Juan C

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Vi har problem med att studenter/användare tar bort sig själva  från kursen. Det blir problematiskt eftersom data som betyg försvinner. Finns det någon inställning man kan göra så att de studerande inte kan avregistrera sig från en kurs? Translated f...

  • 1 Replies

I have cross listed three sections. When I pull the Quiz and Item Analysis report I can only see the data for all three sections combined together. It looks like one class instead of three. Is there a way to see the report by section? It would be ext...

  • 1 Replies

The course is free only need to pay for certificate and badges, but I am not allowed to attempt mid term exam without exam password. I contacted the teacher through given email but didn't got any response.  so my question is if the course is free the...

  • 1 Replies

Hello Canvas Community, Just a general question. What features do you get in the Cloud Hosted version of Canvas that you do not get in the open source version of canvas? Ive noticed that our school has access to this thing called "Commons" for staff ...

  • 1 Replies

Hello; I am using the Canvas Free-For-Teacher account as part of an experiment for my dissertation for my doctorate. I have created modules for college students to access and I need help with the following issues. I have set up my course for open enr...

  • 2 Replies

How to get back a deleted assignment group - with graded student submissions? (tried /undelete)With the /undelete, was able to get the assignment group title/group back, but there were no assignments within it...Searched the /undelete, but the comple...

  • 1 Replies