Why is speedgrader not displaying multiple sections when gradebook is filtered by sections?

Community Explorer


I am teaching in a cross listed course shell (4 sections, 2 are mine) and I have my gradebook filtered to show sections 3 and 4. This is working correctly.

Navigating to grades and selecting speed grader from the hamburger at the top next to the assessment name only brings up section 4's students.

If I deselect section 4 and launch the SpeedGrader I see section 3 as expected.

I tried this with "Launch SpeedGrader Filtered by Student Group" on and off.

Is there a missing piece of voodoo that I was supposed to-doo before this works correctly, is it a bug in the implementation of filters vis a vis Speed Grader, or is it  a UI subversion of expectations?

Thank you

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