Why are there automatic zeros for grades that are not due yet?

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We are encouraging instructors to use the Missing Submission policy and setting zeros as the automatic grade. Why do some assignments that are not due yet have zeros filled in as a default? Is it due to mismanagement of due dates or is this a bug? 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


I often see this when the Missing Submission policy is set in the course first.  Then, an assignment is created, updated, and/or copied into the course with a due date set to the past.  Even if the due date is updated to the future, the Missing Submission policy would have already applied and doesn't automatically get removed.

A simple way to clear out the grades for an assignment affected by this is to do the following:

  1. Go to SpeedGrader in the course
  2. Hover on the assignment column heading and click the 3 vertical dots.
  3. Click "Set Default Grade" in the menu
  4. Leave the score blank and check the box to "Override already-entered grades"
  5. Click "Set Default Grade"

After completing this, the grades should be blank.

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