Weaknesses in Process for Manually Adding Users

Community Participant


While our students and instructors are created and authenticated via integration with LDAP, we have a category of users that we create manually in Canvas using the "+People" button in the account Admin section. In the dialog that appears, there is a checkbox entitled: "Email the user about this account creation." This functionality is optimal because it allows the user to choose their own password.

The problem, however, is that the user interaction that follows is less than ideal. First, the user is sent a email which looks like this:

Screenshot of Canvas Registration Email

The language here about "finishing the registration process" is likely to cause confusion because it was the admin and not the user who "started" the registration process. The ability to customize the email text would be helpful.

Upon clicking the link, the user is brought to a page like this:

Screenshot of Canvas Registration Page

Here, there are issues about how the password is being requested. First, the "Password:" prompt suggests it's requesting an existing password rather than a new one. A better prompt would be "Create a Password:". Ideally, there should be some minimum requirements presented as to the quality of the password. And finally, there should be a second field in which to confirm/verity the chosen password to prevent typos.

I'm hoping to build a consensus on how this can be improved.


Michael Keen

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