Wanting to randomize question order from multiple question banks

Community Member

Does anyone know if this would work?  (Apologies for the long question!)

I have question banks set up for each chapter that I am teaching from the textbook.  On my quizzes, I have been having Canvas select questions from the question banks randomly so that each student gets a different quiz.  Let's say, for example, that my question banks for Chapters 1, 2 and 3 each contain 50 questions.  I would like to create a 30 question quiz, with 10 questions randomly selected by Canvas from each chapter.  In the past, I have set up the question groups on my quizzes and asked Canvas to select for the first question group 10 questions from Chapter 1, the second group 10 Q's from Chapter 2, and the third group with 10 Q's from Chapter 3.  The quiz then will show the student 10 random questions from the Chapter 1 Bank, then 10 Q's from the Chapter 2 bank and then 10 Q's from chapter 3.

I am wanting to see if I can mix the order up the questions, so that the students are not getting all 10 questions from one chapter question bank in a row, and then 10 in a row from the next chapter, etc.  Is there a way to randomize those questions, without having to combine the individual chapter question banks into one large one for the quiz? (I'd rather not do that because I can't guarantee the student would be asked an equal number of questions from each chapter if I combine the  individual chapter banks into one).


Does anyone know If set up my quiz like this, would Canvas know not to select the same question twice on a single student's quiz?

  • 2 questions randomly selected from Chapter 1 question bank
  • 2 questions randomly selected from Chapter 2 question bank
  • 2 questions randomly selected from Chapter 3 question bank
  • 2 questions randomly selected from Chapter 1 question bank
  • 2 questions randomly selected from Chapter 2 question bank
  • 2 questions randomly selected from Chapter 3 question bank
  • and repeat until I have all my questions...  

Would this work, or would there be a risk of Canvas repeating the same question on a student's exam?  Perhaps there is an easier way besides combining all the individual chapter question banks into one large bank?

Thanks so much!  If I am not being clear in what I'm asking for help with, please let me know!

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