Universal course navigation?

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Hello! I am trying to figure out if there is some sort of way I can edit the course navigation for all new courses that are made. Right now whenever I make a new course it adds course navigation links to simple syllabus, and other LTI software that we use. 


My question is, how do I edit that template so it is different for each new course that I make? How did the previous LMS admin set that course navigation to always have those navigation links whenever a new course is made?



1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JohnathanVargas,

There are a couple different ways that I know of to make something like this happen:

  • The course templates feature:Canvas Release: Course Templates (2021-05-15).
  • LTI/external tool install options...  There are options when installing/configuring an LTI that determine whether the tool is enabled on the course navigation menu by default for new courses or not.  This can be edited later through the Canvas API, if desired, although it could affect past courses too so I'd advise a lot of caution.

I couldn't tell from your initial post whether you're just looking to change the defaults for all new courses or whether you wanted different defaults for different courses.  The answer to that could change the approach that's needed.

Hope this helps a bit!


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