Total grade over 100% why?

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I cannot seem to find an answer to this question: but my students grades are showing as over 100%, even some who did not get 100% on every assignment.  I am wondering why that is?  The "total grade" has two numbers 1800/1500 - so the 1500 is supposed to be the total points they can earn but then why are they getting 1800?  It's pushing all their grades to 112% or even higher sometimes.  Why?  Shouldn't 100 be the cap?thanks.

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3 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SommerGrissom ...

I'm not sure if this matters or not, but when you go to your "Assignments" page in your course, do you have weighted assignment groups set up?  For example, are your assignment groups weighted with percentages?  If so, does the percentage add up to more than 100%?  You can see an example of weighted assignment groups in the following Guide:

How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups?

Hopefully this *might* help, but again, I'm not real sure.  You might need to provide a bit more detail about your gradebook setup.  Thanks!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

I am with @Chris_Hofer and @Gabriel33 with their thoughts on this.  Another thing that you could check would be to see if the points that have been assigned when creating the assignment match the expected points in the gradebook.  For example, Let's say I am making an assignment worth 100 points.  However, while creating the assignment I accidentally type in 10 when I should have typed 100.  If when grading I give a student a perfect score of 100 points but the grade book is seeing that the assignment is only worth 10 points, I have in essence given the student 90 more points than the grade book thinks I should have which could definitely skew the percentage score on an assignment.  Just another 2 cents.

Hope you find a solution to your issue!

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I found the issue, thank you!  I had some assignments from before I took the class that had "0 points" so when I went in and put 100 points it looked like they were getting 100 bonus points every time.  I fixed it now and I appreciate your help.  After you replied I went to check if I typed things incorrectly and that's how I finally found the point issue.  THANK YOU!

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