This one is a doozy? Student Submissions disappeared after we imported some items - Help?

Community Explorer

Ok - we've been using Canvas for years and I have not seen this.

We had a course that needed some additional items.

Our students had completed through week 26 (it's a 30 week course).
All the check marks and submissions were present.
We have a required order of submissions so they MUST complete each assignment to move forward.

We imported a question bank and a few quizzes and *poof* - a whole bunch of submissions as far back as week 20 - just vanished. 

Again - since they must complete each assignment in order to move forward - there is NO way they could have been at week 26 without having completed all of the submissions. 

Sooooo.. I've checked everything I can think of but our student has to go back to week 20 and randomly re-do work she has already done. It's just........gone. A bunch of assignments.

I have literally no clue what to do. When we dig in to the analytics, logs and gradebooks - there is no evidence she ever did the submissions - BUT she must have in order to have moved forward all the way for a full six weeks.

I'm stumped. Attaching an image to show how some assignments no longer show a check mark... randomly.

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