Testing Alignments and Item Banks

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It would be really useful is Item Banks allowed subfolders. We have traditionally used ExamSoft and it has this feature. For a course's bank questions can be saved under folders, e.g. Final, Midterm, etc. 

Also for the test alignments, the test questions alignments are great. But the rubrics need work Like ExamSoft, alignments for rubrics should be able to associated to lines (criteria) of the rubric. Right now the alignments create an independent criteria. I would prefer to be able to attribute multiple alignments, e.g course objective, accreditation criteria, Bloom's level, to a criteria of a rubric. 

Thank you!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @CarlaSabus ...

These sound like requests for enhancements to current Canvas functionality.  One way to submit requests like this is to post them as ideas here in the Community.  There are a handful of Guides to help get you started with this process:

Also, keep in mind that the idea process is going through some changes right now.  Please see Ruth's blog posting here: It’s Time for Your Feedback on the Future of Ideas & Themes.

I know this doesn't completely address your question(s), but I hope these links will help in some way.

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