Submission on behalf of a student

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Hi There

I am testing a new course that has fake students in there and i have divided them into 4 sections.

Our trainers need to observe our apprentices, on-the-job and then submit their PDF observations into each students file.

I saw through the comms here how to submit but ever since I divided my test students into sections and i go into grades and click on the side arrow to bring up the submission button I now get the message below in a blue box covering the submission button.....

"Due to the size of your course you must select a student group before launching SpeedGrader."

Yep! I select a section in the filter...but nope, doesn't change.

I delete all sections and keep them enrolled in the course...but nada!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lynz W

L&D - New Zealand

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @LynzWilmsey 

If you don't have a massively huge class, you probably need to turn off (uncheck the box) for this Setting:  

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