Students viewing Discussion Comments without Grades link

Community Member

Our district has told teachers to hide the Grades page from students since we're not using the Canvas gradebook as our "gradebook of record." Because of this, I'm struggling to figure out how students can view my feedback to them on a Discussion.

I open the discussions in SpeedGrader and am able to write comments to the students (not a reply - comments are only visible to students and teacher, replies are visible to everyone in the discussion), but I don't know how the students can view my comments. 

All the instructions I've found on Canvas support direct students to go to the Grades page to be able to view teacher comments, but this isn't an option for our students. They can see their score for the discussion by going to the Assignments page, but it doesn't appear to show them my comments.

I'm hoping there's another way for students to view my comments, since the Grades page isn't an option. 

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