Students cannot see or download an uploaded document

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I will appreciate if you can provide suggestions to this problem.

I uploaded a Word document on a Canvas page, but for some reason, students cannot see it or download it. I tried it myself from "Student View", and I cannot view it or download it. It says "Access Denied".

I can see it and download it as the instructor (Instructor view).

If I go to "Files" and see the file that contains this document, it is "Published" (green color). So, it should work.

I do not know why. I can see the same document as a student in another class with the basically same situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Many thanks!

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Good evening, @tono ...

When I see people asking about "Access Denied" messages, my first thought usually is that someone has created a link in one course that is pointing to somewhere in another course...which is not recommended.  To be sure, is the file you are linking to in "Files" area of the course?  Something you could do to make absolutely sure is to save the page with your linked file...and then hover over the link.  You should see a URL at the bottom of your browser window that looks similar to:

Check to ensure that the Course ID (which I've highlighted in red in my example) matches what you see in your browser's address bar at the top of your screen.  If the Course ID number in the file URL does not match what is in the address bar, then that's probably part of the issue.

Keep track of your own file ID number (which I've highlighted in blue in my example).  Now go to your course "Files" area and find that file.  Hover your mouse over the file name within "Files", and then look at the URL at the bottom of your browser.  Does the file ID number match?  If so, then I would think the file should be downloadable for everyone.

If everything seems to check out and you're still having difficulties with the file, then a call to Canvas Support might be in order.  How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor? - Canvas Community.  Please keep us posted, though.

Take care, stay safe, and be well.

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