Students able to see assignment comments on home screen even when grades are hidden - is there a way to prevent this?

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Hi, my school has run into a problem that we're not sure if it is a bug or if there's something that we may have incorrect in assignment/course settings.

An instructor reached out letting us know that students were able to see comments that he was leaving on the student's assignments before he released the grades. The assignment was set to manual grade release. We looked into the issue and when acting as a student were able to replicate this.

On the course homepage, in the right-hand notifications column under "recent feedback" the student could see the preview of the instructor comments for the assignment. However, if we then went to the assignment itself, the grade and assignments were hidden, and the student is shown the notifications "Grades are unavailable because the instructor is working on them." and "You may not see all comments right now because the assignment is currently being graded" - as expected.

What could be causing the comments to come through to the home page? Is this a bug?

Thank you!

Jake Harrison

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2 Solutions
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Community Coach

Comments can be entered and sent to students separate from their grade. You could give students feedback without assigning a grade. This is likely why you are seeing this behavior. I am not aware of a way to turn this off or hide comments in Recent Feedback until "released" by the teacher in the default comments. Maybe someone else might have an idea.

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Generally, folks use the manual grading so that they can grade over time. For example, when I have 30 essays to grade, I do not do that all in one sitting. The manual posting policy (formerly mute grades) allows for folks to work on grading all submissions and then releasing all scores at one time.

Generally, feedback comments AND scores are hidden before you hit "Post grades" when you use a manual posting policy. If a student goes to their grades page or to the assignment itself, they see a message that tells them the instructor is not done grading. They do NOT see the scores or feedback.

As @JakeBHarrison described, there seems to be an exception for what students see in "Recent Feedback" on the course homepage (and likely student dashboard). This inconsistency is the problem/glitch.

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