Student kicked out of Proctorio in first minutes and no attempt is registered. How to retake?

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I have a student who started test and was kicked out immediately. There is no record of her attempt in "Moderate" section however, I can see her attempt in Proctorio gradebook. The poor student is waiting. How can I reopen it in moderate tab when there is no attempt registered?

All she can see is (screenshot attached).

How to help her?



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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @milaanparmar9,

The message in your screenshot does not look to me like one from Canvas itself.  I believe that message is likely coming from Proctorio, which is a 3rd party system not owned or directly supported by Instructure.  I would recommend that you or someone else form your school contact Proctorio Support asap to let them know about the situation, as they should be able to resolve it.

Hope this helps!


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