Speed Grader: Sort by first name

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Is there an option to have students sorted by First Name in Speed Grader? It would make a big difference to my efficiency in marking some of their work.

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Community Coach

It looks like that's not an option, @MitchDerbyshire. I did a test where I split the first and last names into two columns and discovered students can be sorted by first name on the Grades page, but there is not an option to do so within the SpeedGrader. 

That's a bummer but might be changed via a submission to the Canvas Ideas processCreating an idea does not provide an immediate solution to the problem you described, though it is a solution. I’m going to mark it as such and hope that our colleagues who have a similar challenge will find the best way to contribute. If you decide to create an idea, please link it here so mode community members can support it.

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