Spanish Letters with Accents

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Community Novice

I am in a Spanish class, and just had to take an exam using Proctorio which does not allow you to right click. Right clicking in this class is important because it allows for a pop up keyboard that provides accented letters necessary in the spanish language. Without this option using proctorio, I found that there is no way to insert accented letters merely using the toolbar provided by Canvas. Am I wrong in this? Is there a tool that inserts letters with accents? 

1 Solution
Community Champion


Canvas has no native support for multinational characters, it relies on the operating system or other add-ins to create them.

You should bring this up with your instructor. There is a setting within Proctorio to disable the right click -- it does not have to be turned on. If the right click is required for your class, the inability to use it will be costing you points. The instructor may also have a different solution that doesn't require a right click and works with Proctorio.

I'm not saying your instructor is like this, but with Covid-19, we had a lot of instructors that went online and some started using Proctorio. They may not have thought of the implications of the options they chose or perhaps they just went with the defaults.

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