Sharing a discussion

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Perhaps I am misunderstanding the Discussion purpose as a new user... As instructor, I posted a question in my course under discussions. Several students posted replies, but they can only see my initial entry, not that of the other students. Is this intentional or am I missing something. Thanks for any input.

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Community Member

If I go in as Instructor, there are 12 replies under the topic. I have also set up a student account and I see only 3. It doesn't appear that they are trying to start a new discussion.

At this point I am ready to just chalk this one off as another post now does seem to be working and inviolve all students.

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Hello @SARCInstructor 

Is your discussion setup as a group discussion? if so, are the students added to the groups within the groupset?  

With discussions, if they are setup as group discussions, the students will only see replies from the students in their groups, and any posts you make on the groups discussion. If they are not in the groups within the groupset, you will see odd behaviors like this. 

If you haven't already, it might be best to submit a case to support with your specific examples and they can take a look into this further. 

Hopefully this helps! 



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