SSO with OpenID Authentication Issue

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I'm trying to authenticate via OpenID Connect and all the Oauth flow is working, but when the URL /users/login is called I'm getting the message: Canvas doesn't have an account for user: my_id.

The /oath/userinfo is returning: { "sub": "my_id" }.

In the Authentication Settings/OpenID Connect page the Login Attribute is sub.

And my Canvas user has the attribute SIS ID as my_id.

What do I need to set in order SSO works properly.

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1 Solution
Community Member

Hi everyone!

Just to inform you that I've found the solution.

The issue was that the login created didn't have the appropriate authentication_provider_type.
The solution was to create another login for my user with the correct "authentication_provider_type": "openid_connect" and "authentication_provider_id":  "<MY_ID>".

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