Resetting a Single Student in a Manually Created Course

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I teach an AP Class with a manually created summer assignment. I had a student who initially enrolled in the course for last school term who only partially completed the summer assignment activities because they found out the class time wouldn't work with their schedule. The student was removed from the course last year but is now on the roster to take the course this upcoming term.

Instead of recreating a different course I change the year and dates and remove old students before adding in the new ones. When the student was added back to the summer assignment for this term, all of the grades from the previous year repopulated. 

Is there a way to reset only this student's scores? 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @LeshundraYoung,

I don't think there's going to quite be an "easy button" solution for this unfortunately.  If you just wish to remove scores from the gradebook, you could do that by going to the grades area, going to the first assignment cell for the student, hitting the delete key on your keyboard, then the right arrow to the next one, delete again, right arrow again, and so on...  That would get the grade info removed, but the student's submissions would still be in speedgrader, discussion content may still be around, and any attempt-limited assignments/quizzes could be a big problem, as the student's previous attempts would still be there.  I don't believe it's possible to clear all of that stuff in Canvas.

Going forward, I'd suggest creating a new course shell every time the course is taught.  That way you won't run in to any issues like this in the future, and you could even let previous students access their old courses in a read-only mode if you wanted to.  It's fairly easy to import course content from one course to another, so it shouldn't be much more work for anyone to do this, and will probably prevent more unforeseen issues from occurring.

Hope this helps a bit!


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