Remove old discussion post from inactive and concluded enrollments

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We have an open enrollment course that continually has students enrolling and completing the course 365 days a year. It never shuts down. 

The issue is that I would like some sort of simple automated way to remove old discussion posts from students who have completed the course. Is there a way to do this without having to go back and delete posts one at a time?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @zamzowd,

The only way I know of to do this with a low amount of work would be to actually delete the student from the course instead of using the inactive or concluded status.  As a Canvas admin for a higher-ed institution, I wouldn't use that or any other method fr this myself as we like to het students see their prior work and also have a record of things if needed in the future.  We don't have open enrollment ongoing courses here, so this isn't something we've tried to tackle before though.  If you use course4 sections, perhaps you could use those to create something like cohorts, and you could then restrict the students to only seeing posts form their cohort which would make the discussions easier for them to navigate.  Just something to think about...


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