Re-submission considered as late submission

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Let's say a student submits an original submission for an assignment on time. I grade it and provide feedback. I allow the student to re-submit for an improved grade. However, that student submits his/her resubmission after the due date. Canvas Gradebook policy considers that assignment to be a "late submission." I find that to be an odd policy. The original submission was on time. I know I can edit the re-submission from "late" to "none" for that student in SpeedGrader, but I would suspect most teachers would agree that re-submission should have never been considered "late" in the first place. I've looked at Gradebook Settings and there doesn't appear to be a place to have Canvas consider the original submission as the "submission of record" when it comes to on time and late submission consideration. Could this be considered as a Gradebook option for teachers in the future? 

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Community Champion


I believe you would have to make this a feature request that an option be included on the assignment creation page to indicate that the original submission be considered the date to check for late submissions.  

However, just to play devils advocate, I think what Canvas does now is the correct way for most cases.  In your situation what is going to happen if a student realizes they can submit something before the due time, get feed back and then resubmit after the due time and not suffer any late penalties.  I think the initial quality of the work will decrease just so they get more time to work on the assignment with some feed back.  For a legitimate submission, I see your point entirely, but I do not know how everything would turn out with what you are proposing.



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Yes, it would be up to teachers to consider the "worthiness" of the original submission and that's why an option for teachers seems to make the most sense to me. If you toggled that option on, you'd know to be aware of this. What I find most of the time though, is the original submission is "worthy" but the student wanted to address my feedback and re-submits (a noble academic task), but is then "punished" by having a "late" assignment. While I know your counterexample exists, I believe it is the exception, and not the norm, based on my experience.

Is there somewhere different to officially do a "feature request"?

Thanks! 😃

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