Rank, Tenure, Promotion

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Is anyone using Canvas for rank, tenure, promotion?   We have been using a commercial product which is a considerable financial outlay as well as a substantial cost in human capital.  We think Canvas could be a solution to the issue.  We could ideally create the perfect template along with instructions and training for the faculty member.  What do you all think?  Is anyone doing this already? 

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I'm not directly involved in that process, but here is a general overview.

  1. An instructor will apply to be considered for a promotion.
  2. If approved for consideration, then they will be enrolled in a course as a teacher that is a copy of our faculty promotion template.
    1. The template includes pages for the different areas that the instructor is being evaluated on.
    2. The pages have information for the instructor to know what information is expected and the instructor would update the page with the relevant information.
  3. After an instructor completes their updates with evidence for meeting all the requirements, they notify the review board.
  4. The review board is enrolled in the course to review the evidence and information shared by the instructor.
  5. The review board makes a recommendation for approval/denial based on the provided evidence/information.

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