Randomize quiz questions without groups

Community Member

From what I've gathered using Canvas and browsing the boards:

  • Quiz questions can only be randomized if linked to a question bank or used in groups
  • A quiz question cannot be granted full credit for all students en masse after a quiz has closed if that question is linked to a question bank or used in groups. The only way to give full credit for a question after a quiz has closed to all students is to manually review each quiz.

This seems like a major flaw in the system and I'm surprised that there hasn't been a solution incorporated. My class is 50 students and their exam is 40 questions. If I use a bank or group then the questions will be randomized, but I won't be able to give full credit for any flawed question after the quiz closes (unless I go through each manually). If I abstain from using a bank or group then I will be able to give full credit for any flawed question after the quiz closes, but I can't randomize the questions, and all students will receive the same question order.

This makes little sense to me.

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