Quizzes Bullying Alert

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Community Novice

I am receiving an alert that states the question in my quiz could be considered bullying by some students and I should consider rephrasing. This alert is being attached to the question in the quiz and the students see this alert when they are reading the quiz question.

Additionally, before I could type the instructions to the quiz in the appropriate text box I received an alert notifying me that it was potential bullying (the text box was blank with the exception of the alert).


Is anyone experiencing the same issues? How do I fix this?

Thank you for your help,

Chris Landis

1 Solution

@ChrisLandis ,

Thank you for contacting us. I would recommend contacting Support regarding this so we can look over where you see this message. This can help find the correct contact information https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/How-do-I-contact-Canvas-Support/ta-p/389767

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