Psychology Text Books?

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Community Novice

Hi there,

I'm starting university this year, i've been enrolled in Bachelor of Psychology (W74) and I was just wondering what text books ill need for the first year.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @ACFINLAY ...

I am not sure if you realized this or not, but you've posted your question in the global Canvas Community website.  We do not have access to your school's Canvas environment or any courses that you may be taking within Canvas.  Questions about your textbook should be directed towards your instructor.  Or, it's also possible that if your school also has a bookstore, they may have records of which books are required for your courses.  You can contact your instructor inside of Canvas by following the steps within this Guide: How do I get help with Canvas as a student?.  Another option might be for you to reach out to your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team, and they may be able to at least direct you to the appropriate people at your school who can help you with textbook questions.  Good luck to you!

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