Problems previewing PowerPoints in Canvas.

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Community Novice

Hi, I am having some problems when previewing PowerPoints in Canvas. When previewing them, the slides show messed up (texts moved, images out of scale) is there any way to solve this? Thanks in advance.

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @LucasCrosbie 

I believe this is an issue with the preview generator in Canvas.  There isn't much you can do about if you want to use .pptx files. 

Some alternatives would be to export your PowerPoint as a PDF file and upload that file instead.  The only downside to this option is it will likely result in a file that is not accessible to screen readers. 

Another alternative would be to upload your file to, Google Drive, or other online drive, then share the link to it in your course with the share setting set to "anyone with the link can view".  This has the downside that the file resides outside of your Canvas Course, and it is likely students can download it. 

There are a few other ways to export or share files, perhaps one of those would work for you.



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