No audio after downloading Big Blue Button video

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I want to use Big Blue Button to record my screen and give student feedback. The problem I am having is that I can playback the video just fine after the recording ends—video and audio are perfect.

However, when I download it, the audio goes away.

Please help.

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1 Solution

Hi Terry,

I am the product manager for BigBlueButton. While I work at Blindside Networks, the company that provides hosting for BigBlueButton to Instructure since 2012, and can't speak on behalf of Instructure, I can respond to your question.

You are using the Free Tier of BigBlueButton, which means the recordings are not single video files.  In the Free Tier, there are actually two media files: one for presentation and one for screen share.  The presentation file has the audio track. That's why when you download it, it doesn't have any audio.

If your interested in having a single .mp4 file of screen share + presentation + audio, you could explore upgrading to the Premium Tier, which gives you permanent recordings as well (you don't need to download them).

To explore upgrading, just reach out to your CSM.  


Regards,.. Fred

Co-founder of BigBlueButton Inc.

(I also moonlight as the CEO of Blindside Networks)

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