Nearpod with Canvas

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I am encountering a problem with using Nearpod and Canvas together. 

In Canvas, I am creating assignments and using the External Tool option to link directly to Nearpod. I then select the lesson I want from My Lessons in Nearpod and add it. The assignment appears in the module in Canvas and students are able to open it with no trouble. They are also able to complete the work with no trouble.
The problem happens when I go to grade the work. Today, 09/06/22, Both my classes did the same lesson in Nearpod: Active Listening SEL Moments. It was about 45 students total in both classes. I saw their screens in class and they were working on the correct lesson. It was Student Paced, but I always walk them through each slide. When I went into the Speed Grader in Canvas some students had the assignment from today and some students had an assignment from last week. There was also a student who had a lesson from a different class. This happened to me last week, but I was hoping it was a one-time mistake on my part.
When I went back to Nearpod and checked Reports for this lesson today, it says that only 19 students completed it, less than half the actual number. Also, in Nearpod, the list of students who completed the lesson includes students from each class mixed together. So, neither Nearpod nor Canvas are recording the assignment correctly even though I saw them do it in class right in front of me. 
I have not been able to find any settings or other menus which would allow me to sort this out. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated. 
1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @bailed6 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with Nearpod. It sounds like there are some discrepancies between Nearpod scores and stats and what they have been sending Canvas. Realistically, you need Canvas support or likely  Nearpod to look into the specifics  of the issue. You can contact Nearpod here: 

1-855-Nearpod (632-7763), email us at


Because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution: 


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