Nearpod LTI 1.1 integration for Canvas

Community Member

We had Nearpod LTI setup in Canvas LMS year ago. Recently a user reported some modules with Nearpod content returns a message "Information > This code or link is no longer valid > OK". After clicking OK, it returns an error "error " refused to connect". Those contents were created by a departed colleague, and  this user has imported courses from previous terms. 

I reached out to the district admin in our institution. He suspects the broken links were to due to expired sessions so he created new sessions expiring by end of next year, then update those Nearpod content links to the new sessions. This has resolved the broken links and Nearpod contents work as expected.

In the meantime, I also talked to Nearpod Support but was advised there currently is not a Canvas integration set up for Nearpod for our institution. They provided me a link of integration guide which refers to removing  LTI 1.1 integration then setup Nearpod for LTI 1.3 in our Canvas PROD instance. Noting the integration only works in Production. There is not a test environment where LTI 1.3 will operate as expected. 

Once I was added as a district admin, I do see the message under Manager Nearpod>LMS Integration Setup: "No previous setup integrations."  My question is that we actually have other Canvas courses with Nearpod content which have been working fine. I suspect the previous Nearpod LTI 1.1 integration is still working somehow behind the scene, but just not registered in Nearpod. I hesitate to remove LTI 1.1 and add LTI 1.3 integration, concerning it might break other working Nearpod links.

Has any other sites have similar experiences? Much appreciated.

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