My middle school is still sending me notifications!

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After the Covid-19 school shutdowns and we started online learning, my middle school started sending me daily notifications (appearing on the top of my dashboard shown below) which I don't know how to get rid of (I'm in high school now). I've contacted the technician guy at the middle school to see if he knew how to fix this, but it's been a few weeks now and I have no idea what to do. They're being sent to my email as well. How can I get these banner notifications (not for a particular course) to go away? #help fix this annoying


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there,  @443372 ...

Just for some background...  The messages you are seeing on your Canvas Dashboard are typically posted by your school's local Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning/eLearning department.  That individual may get the information from other people at your school asking for information to be posted to the Canvas Dashboard for informational purposes so that it gets distributed to a large audience.  Your school's local Canvas administrator has an option to send those Dashboard announcements out as e-mail messages, too.  So, that is why you may be getting copies of those in your e-mail account.

I've got some good news for you, though.  You can easily delete those announcements on your Dashboard by clicing on the "x" in the upper right hand corner of each announcement.  Just be aware that if you click on the "x" for any given announcement on the Dashboard, it will be permanently removed from your view without the ability to bring it back.

Next, in Canvas, go to your "Account" >> "Notifications" screen.  Scroll to the very bottom of that screen, and you'll see a row for "Global Announcements".  Here is where you can turn of any notifications you are getting via your e-mail account.  See for more information.

I hope this will help a bit.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this.  Be well, and stay safe!

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