Matching quiz question, how to change the input text size (Hebrew font coming in too small)
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Hello community,
we have an issue where the text input field font size comes in too small for our Hebrew quizzes.
We do have a work around that where we edit and then import the quiz but it's a bit of work just to update one or two questions. I'm hoping to find a more elegant solution like applying CSS just to these Hebrew quizzes, that adds SBL Hebrew to the font family and adjusts the font size for these text input type fields.
As an example, below are two items for our matching questions, both are the same word but one was part of the original import and the one below was manually added (Classic Quizzes). As you can see the original has no issue (SBL Hebrew font) where as the one manually added in the input text field comes in small and using a font that is different.
We also tried migrating this quiz to the new Build Canvas quiz but the imported fonts now is replaced with its HTML element..
<span style="font-size: xx-large; font-family: 'SBL Hebrew', 'Ezra SIL', 'Hebraica Regular', Gentium, Cardo, 'Corsiva Hebrew', 'New Peninim MT', David, Gisha;">חָזָה</span>
..and the manually added text field still has the same small font size issue as before, but now with the added frustration that the web page hangs anytime we try using it. So we plan to stay away from it unless there is a good reason to revisit it.
We don't want to make changes to our global theme or CSS settings for Canvas, but I'm wondering if there is a way to change the theme/css for just these quizzes.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.