Lecture Video Layout Malfunction

Community Novice

Up until now (this semester) I've been having issues with the layout of the lectures, I assumed it was all the way across the board, which I probably shouldn't have, I'm just not good at asking for help.

The lectures load differently for me than they did in my previous class, I thought that it was just different teacher/different layout but after asking my partner and sharing my screen she informed me that hers looked different. I asked my sister if she could bring her laptop over and upon my checking there it is indeed very different.

The layout that I currently get on my computer makes it somewhat difficult to watch the lectures, I constantly have to pause and flip back and forth between screens and I have not really been able to take many of the practice quizzes. Does anyone know a setting on either canvas or maybe a computer setting I could use to fix this so I have the side by side view. 

I've also checked on my phone and it gives me the side by side view, so it makes it even harder to figure out how to fx. 

I have attached pictures, the first two are how I see my screen and the third is how it shows up for others.Image 1


Image 2

image 3

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