[Learning Mastery Gradebook] - Add options for students to filter outcomes

Community Member


My courses use the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as Outcomes.  As such, the names of the Outcomes are alphanumeric identifiers, and are largely meaningless to students (as well as to myself as the teacher, as I do not have the hundreds of CC standards memorized).  When students are trying to view their mastery of Outcomes in the Learning Mastery Gradebook, they need to sift through the hundreds of CCSS Outcomes in order to find the few that they have been assessed on.

Proposed Solution

Allow students to apply filters to the Learning Mastery Gradebook, so that they can more easily search up the Outcomes that they have been actively assessed on.  Perhaps filters based on Alignment (so that students can search Outcomes based on assignment or on assessment), or have a "hide Outcomes with no results" option.