Is there a way to close an assignment for only ONE student?

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On my assignment page, I clicked "Everyone" for who could see the assignment.  However, there are a couple of students that have submitted work early for which I graded and gave feedback.  They went in, opened up the assignment and then gave answers or feedback to other students in the class.  I don't want these two students to be able to load their assignment after submitting it.

1 Solution
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If you want to start grading, but not give the students access to their grades or comments, then go to your Gradebook. For that assignment, make the column "manual grading." If you're using a rubric, you also need to go a step further and select "hide grades." 

Test this out by submitting, grading, and giving feedback to a "test student." Then go into the Student View and then Grades to see if this has worked. 

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