Inbox Message Count Color

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Is there a way to change the color of the inbox message count? When I am on any page other than inbox is black on gray and nearly impossible to read. If I click on inbox, it is white on blue and easy to see. 




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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @hdenley ...

I can definitely see why this would be difficult to view...with the gray background and black text.  The contrast between those two colors isn't great, IMHO.  The circle/number you are seeing is called a "badge", and your school's Canvas administrator should be able to pick a different color (which would affect your entire Canvas environment, by the way) that would be easier to see.  This is done on the Canvas theme for the account.

How do I create a theme for an account using the T... - Instructure Community (

I believe the two items that your Canvas admin would want to look at are the "Nav Badge" (which would be the dark gray background) and the "Nav Badge Text" (which would be the black numbered text).

I'm assuming that your Canvas admin has configured the theme to match your school colors.  But, maybe there is a secondary color at Cabarrus County Schools that is lighter in color (such as a light blue) that they would be willing to change that to instead of the dark gray.

Hopefully you'll be able to have a conversation with your school's Canvas administrator soon about this.  Good luck!

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