IEP/504 and Late Work

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Hello, I would like to implement an automatic Canvas late work policy this year. However, I am worried about how it will affect my students with IEPs and 504s. Currently, there is no way to automatically exempt them from the deduction. The only way is to manually mark their assignments as not late.

To any of you that use the Canvas late work deductions, what have you done to accommodate students?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

When you are creating your assignment, on the bottom of the page (when you are editing the assignment) then you can assign different due dates for different students.  By default the due date is assigned to "Everyone" in the course.  However, if you click that  [  +Add   ] button at the very bottom then you can assign a different due date or time of the day for another student (or students).  Their assignment in the gradebook would not be marked late until their extension lapses.  Notice that when you make an exception for one more more students, then the original assigned group changes from "Everyone" to "Everyone Else".


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