How to set student accommodation (extra time) for all quizzes at once?

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Is there a way to globally set accommodation settings for one student for a whole Canvas course? For example, I have a student who is to receive 1.5x the normal time limit on all quizzes and tests. The course has weekly quizzes. That is a timely task to manually set this accommodation for each quiz individually, even more so when multiple students need this accommodation. Is there a way to set a "rule" that this one student (or students) is to receive this extra time on any timed assignment/quiz? 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RachelLantz,

If you're using the New Quizzes option in Canvas, you can accomplish this by setting an accommodation for the student.  The accommodation will apply to all new quizzes in the course for that student.

If you're using classic quizzes, there is no course-level option to apply to all quizzes and you'd have to go quiz by quiz setting a moderation option.

Hope this helps!


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