How do I publish Survey results so all students can see them?

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I apologize if this is already asked and answered.

I searched these terms and didn't find anything relevant.

I want to survey students and then show students what they think (anonymously, of course).

Is this a feature? Or do I need to make a pdf of the survey results and then embed that? (A screenshot would not be accessible....)

Thank you for your guidance and thoughts!

--Edward R. O'Neill

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @oneill_edward 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with displaying survey results from Canvas to all students  in the course. Unfortunately, no this is not an option and the only way would be taking a screenshot and sharing it with them that way. There are alternative methods outside of Canvas you could give the students like Google Surveys or Survey Monkey, etc. Hopefully this helps! 

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