How do I change the values in the Total column to points when the option is missing?

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Community Novice

The direction say to select that option.  in my Total Column, that option is NOT there.  It always has been in the past.

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1 Solution
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Community Team

Hi @PamelaMelone -

After some digging and some help from an amazing Community member, I think I have something that will fix this for you.

In How do I use the Total column in the Gradebook?, there is a line in the top box that says:  When assignment groups are weighted, points cannot be displayed for the total grade.

So, we need to open Assignments, then adjust Weighted Grades. That box must be unchecked for there to be an option in the Total Grades column to display as points.

I hope this is what you're looking for! Please update the Community once you have time to work in you r course.

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