Error : Your request failed Status copde 400

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Community Novice

 In my canvas account 4  coerces were functioned properly, for the last one month  . But from the last few days onward while uploading files it shows an error ' Error : Your request failed Status code 400 " . Same error shows with different Browsers and different PCs . In one course I have deleted all the uploaded files to get more space, but then also the same error shows

5 Solutions
Community Explorer

One of our faculty members is getting the same error. Is there a solution? I've requested more course space in hopes that resolves the issue.

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Community Member

I've been having the same issue repeatedly. I submitted a ticket to Canvas support more than a week ago. No response.

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Similar circumstances described by students trying to submit files for assignments. When they attempt to try again later as I ma helping them troubleshoot the issue, it cannot be recreated. They have shown me screen captures of the message. i can help them with the file upload, I cannot undo the frustration and panic they felt as they tried time and again to upload the file.

I am not sure which step helps to workaround the issue; clearing browser cache, closing all applications, rebooting machine but again I have not been able to recreate the issue. 

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Community Member

I had the same issue when trying to embed an image in my discussion post. my storage was too full on canvas. go to profile > files > my files. next select any documents or images you no longer need (surprisingly a lot of uploads will be there). Now select the three dots on the side of the selected file and click delete from the drop down menu. now refresh your page and look at the bottom left hand corner. this should have a bar indicating how much space you have left on canvas. If it is below 100% you will be able to successfully upload. hope this helps!

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Community Contributor

Got a tutor with the same issue.  Turns out that the tutor has fran out of space in the course for storing files.

Check the files section, you might have duplicate files which you could delete to free up space.

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