Embedded Google Form and Student's answers all Disappeared

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I used the html code to embed the Google form in my Canvas course and students were working on the form. One student was almost done and then all of her answers seemed to disappear. Because it was embedded she did not open it by itself which means there is not a copy in her Google drive. Is there any way to recover answers?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @JenniferPisini!

This can be a frustrating situation when losing work like this for the teacher and the student.  In my experience and from research I have done, the answers to Google Forms are not saved anywhere while users are completing the form.  Answers are only saved once the form has been submitted.  Once the form has been submitted the answers are stored in the responses section of the form or a spreadsheet if connected.  Even if the form is embedded, it is still like opening the form outside of Canvas because the embedded version is the same live document that they are filling out.

As far as I am aware, there would be no way to recover the missing answers because the answers were never stored anywhere whether the form was embedded or not.

While not the answer you were hoping for, I hope this answers your question.

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